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Prepare your online presence with an ePortfolio

An online portfolio, or ePortfolio, is a collection of your work that showcases your skills and abilities. A portfolio should include your past work experiences, qualifications and skills, degrees or certifications you’ve completed, any awards or accolades you’ve earned, as well as some examples of your work. Examples of your work might be photographs, writing samples, case studies, spreadsheets, or lesson plans, depending on your field. By creating an ePortfolio now, you will be able to keep track of your activities as you move through your college career. In this class you will showcase your work in your Creative Journal, Final Project and extra credit event activities in a digital ePortfolio

ePortfolio Objectives
  • recognize the purpose of an ePortfolio
  • identify the different components of an ePortfolio
  • create a personal ePortfolio that showcases professional and/or academic accomplishments
What is an ePortfolio?

An ePortfolio is a collection of work (evidence) in an electronic format that showcases learning over time. When you think about your ePortfolio and the types of evidence that it contains, it is important to think carefully about its purpose and intended audience. The American Association of Colleges and Universities recent paper titled: It Takes More than a Major: Employer Priorities for College Learning and Student Success states that “more than 4 in 5 employers say an electronic portfolio would be useful to them in ensuring that job applicants have the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in their company or organization.” (Read the entire report online.) You can also view the highlights from 2011 Clemson University President’s Advisory Board Meeting where one group of corporate, industry, community and academic leaders felt that an ePortfolio provided all the right opportunities for students to develop soft skills and market themselves to any industry.

An ePortfolio may contain all or some of the following:
  • Files of various formats (text, pictures, video, etc.)
  • Evidence related to courses taken, programs of study, etc.
  • Writing samples (which might include several drafts to show development and improvement)
  • Projects prepared for class or extracurricular activities
  • Evidence of creativity and performance
  • Evidence of extracurricular or co-curricular activities, including examples of leadership
  • Evaluations, analysis and recommendations
Below is a list of activities at included in this course that may be included in an ePortfolio
  • Museum, Gallery and Festival activities
  • International talks, presentations, or film screenings at SF College; to see upcoming events, click here.
  • Membership in an international-oriented club or organization on campus; to review SF Clubs, click here.  
  • Submission of your final project paper & expression to SF Research in Undergraduate Education (RUE) or the SF Library Research Award competition
  • Creative Journal submissions
  • Final Project Creation
For examples of eportfolios of previous students, visit the following links:
Cirrus MontagueTaylor BeaselyCatalina AriasLeighton BurtonTameria Thomas

Nicoll De Mier
Sophia GochocoSpencer MacElderry
Claire Smith
Jessica Martin-Alonzo
Haylee White
Programs to Creative a Quick and Easy ePortfolio
  • wix.com (quick and easy website)
  • LinkedIn (professional networking site)
  • Ten Best Free Portfolio Website builders blog
For Credit: Create an academic/professional ePortfolio that showcases your professional and academic accomplishments in addition to your work completed in this course and post a link to discussion.
  1. Name, major
  2. Resume: This should list your education, employment, activities, awards and accomplishments, etc.
  3. ‘About Me’ page: Provide a brief bio of 100 words or less
  4. Activities you participated in this semester: include museum, gallery, etc. as well as any lectures, films, etc.
  5. Creative Gallery: Include an image of each creative piece accompanied with the written explanation (symbols, materials, etc.)
  6. Final Project: Include Magnum Opus with accompanying Statement

Note: there are no re-grades on this activity. You must follow all directions and ensure that the link will open. Failure to follow directions or broken/private links will receive a zero on the first submission. Double-check your work.